Achieve the Learning through play learning method
Group Member: Yuen Sin Ming
Supervisor: Dr. Choi Yi King
The deliverable of this project will be a programming teaching game for STEAM education. It introduces different programming concepts like looping and condition. In this version, this game focuses on the fundamental concept
Inside the game, users need to understand the given information, like dialogue and task-related concepts. Then, the user needs to forge the required concepts based on the requirements from the tasks or character description
Achieve the Learning through play learning method
Easy to use and simplify the concept combination of concept by using block programming
Users should know their learning process through the game
Here is the sample game demonstration
When user enter the game they can see the start page which include out game title
leaderboard is provided to show the learning progress of the user
User can access the tutorial panel to understand more about the game content
User can click the component to enter the corresponding task. Noticed that you cannot skip the task before entering the next task.
Users will finishing their tasks by using different system provided like dialogue and hint system on the left hand side to understand the task
Users can understand more about the concepts using this system
Users can drag the concept from search system to forge system to start their concept modification!
After finishing the concept combination, let’s submit and check their correctness!