Stock Management with Natural Language Processing


Natural language processing (NLP), a branch of artificial intelligence, enables the extraction of valuable insights from unstructured textual data sources such as news articles, financial reports, and social media feeds. It has taken the world by storm in the past year with the likes of ChatGPT being used by over 100million users. We hope to leverage the power of NLP in the realm of stock management. Stock management can be difficult for some, especially beginners, due to the large amount of unstructured data involved, such as stock prices and financial news. We hope NLP can reduce this hassle of analyzing stock-related information and turn it into simple English to convey information about stocks to users effectively. This integration empowers investors and portfolio managers to make more informed decisions, capture market sentiment, and gain deeper insights into stock performance, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of stock management strategies. 


The objectives of our NLP stock management application are to provide an analysis of the users’ stock portfolio, giving appropriate comments and suggestions. Moreover, the application can provide suitable stock recommendations according to the user’s portfolio and preferences and provide reasons for it. Furthermore, our application can extract insights from unstructured textual data such as financial reports by analyzing sentiment and financial information, giving its own comments. Lastly, our application aims to enable the generation of intelligent reports and summaries from the user’s portfolio, providing users with concise and meaningful information. By achieving these objectives, our NLP stock management app enhances decision-making, captures market sentiment, and improves the efficiency of managing stocks for the user.