AI-integrated Financial Management Mobile Application

Project Information

Project title: AI-integrated Financial Management Mobile Application

This project is written in React Native for cross-platform compatibility and Express & Retool for backend database integration.

Supervisor: Dr. Huang Chao
Second examiner: Dr. Yang Yuxiang

Group members:
Chan Tsz Ho (3035785738)
Chan Yuk Yin (3035786574)

Project Introduction

In this modern digital age, most daily transactions are electronic. People are less aware of their financial situation without the sense of spending real cash, possibly worsening their abilities to control their assets. This app aims to tackle this issue by providing an all-in-one platform to record and plan finances in a user-friendly interface. Combined with the potential of machine learning, users can predict their future spending with a number of regression models.

This app can add, display and search for past income and expense records with labels assigned to transactions, then predict using stored record data.


(React Native)
– Can deploy to both iOS and Android platform in one code base
– Provide native components for intuitive experience and outstanding performance
(Express + node.js)
– Easy to set up server for connecting frontend and Retool
– Robust and minimal framework
– Complimentary SQL database with simple and user-friendly UI
– Singular remote database eliminates table conflicts
Regression Models– Three regression models: Linear, Quadratic and Exponential for optimal prediction performance in all trends

Final Results

Home Screen– Entry point to application
– Check for recent transactions and total balance
– Can sort or filter transactions by their attributes
Add Screen– Use to add a new income / expense transaction for tracking
– Support recurring transactions
– Can specify name, amount, time and category of transaction
Trend Screen– Use to predict future spending based on stored record
– Can specify how long to project and transaction attribute applied

Demo Video

Project Timeline

Completion DateTask
Oct 2023Completion of system architecture design
Oct 2023Completion of UI/UX design
Oct 2023Development Environment Setup
Nov 2023Configuration of Retool (SQL)
Dec 2023Partial Implementation of Home Screen
(Basic UI and Navigation Bar)
Dec 2023Implementation of Add Screen
Jan 2024Added support for recurring records
Feb 2024Full implementation of Home Screen
(Filtering and Sorting)
Mar 2024Implementation of regression models
Mar 2024Implementation of Trend Screen
Apr 2024Completion of testing and debugging
Apr 2024Production of user demo videos

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