Getting Data from ENTSO-E

The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity provides a Transparency Platform for publishing its data. The platform provides an API from which we can programmatically pull data from. There is a public repository on GitHub of a Python wrapper client.

The plan is to collect the following data from ENTSO-E:

  • Total electricity flow of Denmark, UK, Netherlands, and Germany.
  • Outage data of the countries.

Following data manipulation will be performed:

  • Remove corresponding datapoints that are affected by any outage (full or partial).

Project Information

Modelling of European Interconnectors for Sustainable Energy Integration

Supervisor: Dr. Huang, Chao
Student: Lee Kwok Lam (Lemuel)


This project takes an experimental and research approach. It aims to generate knowledge, and verify existing claims on European interconnectors. A focus is set on the theme of sustainability and energy integration, in the heated context of Net Zero initiatives by various nations.

This project places particular emphasis on the financial aspects of interconnectors and their correlation with wind energy generation within a carefully selected group of European nations — Denmark, UK, Netherlands, and Germany.